Monday, August 31, 2009

Kakamega Forest

I have been to Kakamega Forest. Probably one of the most unique places I have visited in recent years. No kidding. You might be wondering,"um forest,trees?". Well Kakamega Forest has more to offer than just "um trees". It is under strict management and conservation by the Kenya National Forest Reserve as the only mid altitude tropical rainforest in Kenya. Being a walk through park,we went on self guided nature trail with my father who raked his brain as hard as possible to wow us with made up names for each and every single tree and beautiful vegetation that surrounded us. I have to hand to him,he did a pretty good job. The names were too hard to commit to memory though. At least I remember river Isiukhu,one of the two rivers that flows through the forest.
Did I mention there is a campsite and cottages just in case you decide to spend sometime in a forest.:) If you ever get the urge to get in touch with nature, well, Kakamega Forest is your ideal place to visit.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kenya's wildlife in steep decline

A recent study has shown a decline in the wildlife population in Kenya due to the issues of co-existence with humans and climate change. I'm sure this problem is not unique to Kenya especially with the growing population sizes as a result of an increase in life expectancy, whereas the land mass remains static with some uninhabitable areas due to the effects of global warming. This is a serious matter that needs to be looked into, as the Maasai mara is central to the tourism industry. What is the Kenyan government and the Kenyans doing to protect their wildlife? For one, I don't understand the statement ""One of the problems is that the pastoralists own the land but the government owns the wildlife," - I thought the land is protected and so where does ownership come in?

You can read the whole article at: