Soon after my graduation, my mother decided to take me to visit the place where she grew up. It is right at edge of the border of Kenya and Uganda about 8 kilometres from Busia town.
What I'm talking about is actually my mother's homestead that spans to about 100 acres of land. It has a lot of vegetation and indigenous trees which provide the aesthetic value that our environment is in dire need of.
You might be thinking that you are going back in time right? Well,true and false. True to the extent that you get to enjoy a scenic view that which I guarantee you have never seen. And this is because the ecosystem is intact. It has not been tampered with,meaning you get to see lifeforms that you would ordinarily not see in your day-to-day activities. You are woken up by songs from birds which thrive in the environment created thus.
On the other hand, there are six self-contained,fully furnished cottages for your accomodation. There is a catering unit that sees to it you have the best African meals that include roast chicken, roast goat, fresh farm milk, fish and basically everything else you could crave for. My grandmother(and great grandmother) see to it that you are taken good care of so that should you want to visit anywhere in Kenya,you have an easy decision to make.
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